Antony And Cleoptra (Stage Five Theatre 22nd June)
Sat, 22 Jun
Passion, power and betrayal in the ancient world.

Time & Location
22 Jun 2024, 19:30
Oswestry, Chapel St, Oswestry SY11 1LF, UK
About the event
The famous and passionate affair of Mark Antony and Cleopatra provoked jealousy, wars, betrayal and, ultimately, death. Antony reached the heights of power following the assassination of Julius Caesar. Now he has neglected his empire for a life of decadent seduction with his mistress Cleopatra, Queen of Egypt, whose family has ruled Egypt for 300 years. Torn between love and duty, Antony’s military brilliance deserts him and his passion leads the lovers to their tragic end. Across continents and seas, engaging armies and fleets in their battles with Octavian Caesar, Antony & Cleopatra fought against the might of Rome but in the end their love defeated them.